Michigan Supreme Court Upholds Civil Rights Protections to LGBTQ+ Citizens

OutCenter Southwest Michigan is overjoyed by the Michigan Supreme Court’s landmark decision in the Rouch World v. Michigan Department of Civil Rights case. In a 5-2 decision the court held that the existing Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act applies to LGBTQ+ people. This new ruling upholds protection of LGBTQ+ people from discrimination in employment, housing, education, and public accommodations which includes businesses. It cannot be overstated just how impactful this decision is for equity in our state and here in Southwest Michigan.

Anyone who is LGBTQ and discriminated against in Michigan has an upheld legal remedy in court.

In a statement following the announced decision Governor Whitmer addressed the historic nature of this decision, “Today, Michigan is more free and fair than it was yesterday.”

It is victories like this that show just how important it is to be a registered voter and to vote in every local, state and federal election. And you must be aware of the positions of all candidates, INCLUDING JUDGES. The Michigan Supreme Court has a progressive majority for the first time in 20 years. This is because people knew the history of the candidates and voted in support of equity and the rights of LGBTQ+ people.

We must make our voices heard at school board meetings, city council meetings, and in voting booths during these challenging times.

To get involved with our local advocacy and organizing efforts, click here

To register to vote, or check your registration status, click here

To join the statewide #HateWontWin initiative, click here


A Guide to Understanding Pronouns


The Fight to Protect Reproductive Rights in Michigan Continues!