Adult Programs
OutCenter Chats
OutCenter Chats are moderated peer discussions focused on meeting new people, exploring LGBTQ+ topics, and providing support in times of need.
Queer Chat
Occurs: First Thursday of the month at 6pm
Location: OutCenter Southwest Michigan
Queer Chat is a space for the LGBTQ+ community and their allies to talk about LGBTQ+ topics in a casual and supportive setting.
Elder Chat
Occurs: Second Saturday of the month at 6pm
Location: OutCenter Southwest Michigan
Elder Chat is a conversational and social group for LGBTQ+ community members 50 years or older.
Gender Chat
Occurs: Third Thursday of the month at 6pm
Location: OutCenter Southwest Michigan
Gender Chat is a space for transgender and non-binary community members to discuss topics like gender, presentation, and acceptance.
Family Chat
Occurs: Forth Tuesday of the month at 6pm
Location: Virtual
Family Chat is a space for parents, guardians, and family members of transgender and gender-nonconforming youth to discuss ways they can support their kids, connect with each other, and find support.
Social Events
Every month OutCenter organizes and hosts regular social events for LGBTQ+ adults and their allies.
Occurs: Varied
Location: Varied
Each month we host a meet-up at a Southwest Michigan brewery or restaurant. The location rotates each month, with every other month being at The Market in Saint Joseph.
Lavender Adventurers
Occurs: Bi-Monthly on Saturdays, weeks variable
Location: Sarett Nature Center
Embrace the outdoors at our bi-monthly collaboration with Sarett Nature Center. Lavender Adventurers was created to provide a safe, affirming space for LGBTQ+ people and their allies to get together in Southwest Michigan’s great outdoors.
Dungeons & Dragons
Occurs: Third Tuesday of the month at 6pm
Location: OutCenter Southwest Michigan
Our Dungeons & Dragons group meets every month and is always open to new players! The campaign is currently 7th level, feel free to bring your own character sheet or stop in early to make one before the game.