Pathways of Belonging Training

How Understanding Sexuality and Gender Empowers You and Your Community

Sex, Gender, & Health

Learn about sex and gender and its role in the health and well-being of everyone, including you.

Power & Shame

Discover the relationship between power and shame in formal and informal structures that can empower or limit our capacity to thrive.

Connection & Resiliency

Move from understanding to action by exploring real life methods and tools to build connection in the communities you serve and grow your personal resiliency.

Facilitated by Abby Leonard, MSN, RN, CPHQ and OutCenter staff, this training seeks to unpack and deeply examine what it means for everyone to engage in the world as sexual and gendered people. Grounded in the evidence-based Proud and Empowered training curriculum, these workshops are proven to create safe and welcoming environments.

Pathways of Belonging Intro Webinar: Watch on YouTube

Interested in learning more about Pathways of Belonging training? Watch the webinar on August 15 at 12PM ET that covers:

  • Pathways of Belonging workshop curriculum

  • How the workshop and training can be delivered for your organization

  • How Pathways of Belonging is based on the evidence-based Proud and Empowered curriculum

  • Who the training is for, why it’s unique, and why it’ll help everyone — LGBTQ+ and allies alike — understand themselves more fully

  • Sample exercises and interactive aspects of the workshop

  • And more!

Sign up below to register for the webinar! (Please note: by signing up for the webinar registration, you consent to signing up for our newsletter.)

More About Pathways of Belonging

Looking for ways for you or your organization to learn more about supporting and engaging the LGBTQ+ communities in your school, workplace, or business? Then you'll want to check out our new training founded on the evidence-based Proud and Empowered curriculum.

Proud and Empowered is originally designed as intervention curriculum for LGBTQ+ youth in schools. However, the learning goals and session materials can be extrapolated to almost any organization or audience.

Thanks to generous financial support, OutCenter is pleased to work with Abby Leonard, MSN, RN, CPHQ, a certified nurse trainer who has used Proud and Empowered resources to create the Pathways of Belonging training that can be used in contexts such as:

  • Health care

  • Higher education

  • Public service and government

  • Mental health professionals, such as therapists or guidance counselors

  • HR, organizational development, and corporate training

Both Proud and Empowered and Pathways of Belonging training seek to unpack and deeply examine what it means for everyone to engage in the world as sexual and gendered people. Further, it will dive deep into what it means to be a responsible ally, as well as how to advocate for those navigating issues within the queer community.

Attendees of the full workshop training sessions will receive “train the trainer” instruction, and be provided Proud and Empowered curriculum to facilitate the curriculum in their respective environments.

Help us Bring Pathways of Belonging to More Organizations

Running Pathways of Belonging workshops requires staff time and resources, but not every organization is able to provide these up-front funds. However, we don't want the cost to be prohibitive because this material is so important.

Here's how you can help: by providing gifts to our Pathways of Belonging Matching Campaign, we can offer scholarships or grants to those who are dedicated to creating welcoming and safe environments. Plus, your gifts will ensure our staff's expenses and travel can be covered as we bring this training to schools, workplaces, and other settings.

Support our Pathways of Belonging Matching Campaign today!