OutCenter Services

OutCenter Training

Training: We help organizations become safe places for everyone through LGBTQ+ awareness, compliance, and DEIB training. We work with HR, K-12, higher education, and many other businesses and institutions.

“Pathways of Belonging” Training

Looking for ways for you or your organization to learn more about supporting and engaging the LGBTQ+ communities in your school, workplace, or business? Then you'll want to check out our new training founded on the evidence-based Pathways of Belonging curriculum.

Facilitated by Abby Leonard, MSN, RN, CPHQ and OutCenter staff, this training seeks to unpack and deeply examine what it means for everyone to engage in the world as sexual and gendered people. Grounded in the evidence-based Proud and Empowered training curriculum, these workshops are proven to create safe and welcoming environments.

Welcoming LGBTQ+ People Training

Are you ready to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment in your organization? Our "Welcoming LGBTQ+ People In Your Organization" training program is designed to equip your team with the knowledge and skills necessary to foster a culture of acceptance and support.

Inclusive workplaces are proven to:

  1. Enhance employee engagement

  2. Boost creativity

  3. Improve overall performance

  4. Empower your team to gain the confidence and competence to support LGBTQ+ colleagues and clients, ensuring everyone feels valued and respected.

Contact us to schedule your "Welcoming LGBTQ+ People In Your Organization" training and start transforming your organization's culture for the better.

Anti-Bias and Anti-Discrimination Training

Unlock the potential of your organization with our "Anti-Bias and Anti-Discrimination Training." Through interactive activities and real-world scenarios, your team will learn how to foster a culture of respect and equity, ensuring every employee feels valued and empowered.

By addressing bias and discrimination head-on, you can:

  1. Transform your workplace into a space where diversity thrives

  2. Ensure every individual has the opportunity to succeed

  3. Invest in your organization's future, paving the way for a more cohesive and high-performing team.

Take action today to build a more equitable and inclusive organization. Contact us to schedule your "Anti-Bias and Anti-Discrimination Training.”

OutCenter Consulting

We are happy to help organizations craft policies, audit their LGBTQ+ inclusion, and work towards justice-oriented goals. We partner with many orgs, including corporations, small businesses, non-profits, and local government.

Our consulting efforts are dedicated to helping higher educational institutions, governmental bodies, organizations, and businesses foster environments where LGBTQ+ individuals can thrive. We offer comprehensive consulting services designed to increase inclusivity and develop effective policies that support LGBTQ+ people.

Higher Educational Institutions

Our experts work with colleges and universities to create safe, supportive, and inclusive campuses. We assist in developing and implementing policies that promote equality and respect for all students and staff, including training programs for faculty, staff, and student leaders. By addressing issues such as gender-neutral facilities, inclusive language, and anti-discrimination policies, we help educational institutions become leaders in diversity and inclusion.

Governmental Bodies

For governmental agencies, promoting inclusivity is essential for serving diverse communities effectively. We provide guidance on creating and enforcing policies that protect the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Our training programs for government employees focus on raising awareness, reducing bias, and improving services for LGBTQ+ constituents.

Organizations and Businesses

In the corporate world, inclusivity drives innovation and success. We help organizations and businesses develop and implement comprehensive LGBTQ+ inclusion strategies. From conducting bias audits and policy reviews to offering training programs on inclusivity and anti-discrimination, our consulting services are designed to create a workplace culture where every employee feels valued and respected.

Custom Consulting Solutions

Every organization is unique, and so are our consulting solutions. We tailor our services to meet the specific needs and goals of your institution or organization. Whether you’re looking to improve your current policies, develop new initiatives, or provide training to your team, our experienced consultants are here to support you every step of the way.

Take the Next Step Towards Inclusivity

Investing in LGBTQ+ inclusion is an investment in your organization’s future. Contact us today to learn more about our consulting services and how we can help you create a more inclusive, equitable, and supportive environment for all. Let’s work together to make a positive impact on your community and drive lasting change.